Working to make Stonington an ever-better place to live, work, and play

The Economic Development Commission is a 12-member all-volunteer team, comprised of 9 regular members and 3 alternates.  The EDC works closely with Stonington Department of Planning, and maintains strong connections to the Board of Selectmen, Planning and Zoning Commission, and other Boards and Commissions as required.

Seeking to function efficiently in the quest to make Stonington an ever-better place to live, work, and play, the EDC has adopted a project-based operating model.  By identifying discrete initiatives, each aligned with the Town’s economic sectors and the strategic plan for the Town – the Plan of Conservation and Development – the EDC advances its efforts using a team-based approach. Each sub-team of the EDC is led by a team lead, joined by EDC members and any interested citizens as motivated by their passions for a project. The team-based approach provides a tangible sense of accomplishment as goals are met, which keeps EDC member commitment and energy levels high. See the PDF below of our 2023 project goals and priorities.


We have some openings coming up at the EDC. If contributing to the effort of increasing Town revenues to make Stonington an ever-better place to live, work, and play sounds like you, please consider completing an Application for the EDC.  Applications are considered for appointment by the Board of Selectmen at one of their meetings.  The EDC has several openings coming up as of December 31, 2022, and considers Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion as core criteria.  Thank you for your consideration!

Each year the EDC refreshes its initiative list, and recently concluded a prioritization exercise to set the stage for 2023.  Members picked the top 10 projects they felt passion for, and which most advanced the Town’s goals and objectives, in order of priority.  The table shows the results of the exercise.

The EDC meets for its Regular Meeting on the second Tuesday of each month, initiative sub-teams schedule Special Meetings as needed; Agendas and Minutes for all meetings are posted on the Town’s website.  All sub-teams report back at a Regular Meeting with progress and for decision-making.  Regular and Special Meetings are open to the public, and the public is encouraged to attend.




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