Making it better since 1649.
Stonington has what you need. We are located in New London County, which has about 130,000 workers. The largest industry sector at around 19,000 jobs for the County is Manufacturing. This is largely driven General Dynamics Electric Boat and Pfizer, the two largest manufacturers in South Eastern Connecticut. They are based in New London and Groton along with many Defense sub-contractors. This provides the region with a large workforce whose skills include steel trades, pipe fitting, electronics, welding, carpentry, engineering and design.
Stonington’s largest employer is Davis Standard, which supplies blown film extruders, extrusion lines and associated winders, dies and feed screws for blown film processors around the globe. There is light manufacturing in the marine industry, craft brewers such as Beer’d Brewing, and Acme Wire Products, a precision wire parts manufacturer.
Stonington is centrally located between New York and Boston, with I95 and Amtrak passing through. There are several old mill buildings that have been re-purposed for light industrial manufacturing. New manufacturing buildings have been built close to I95.
Each Manufacturers requirements are unique so we recommend that you contact Stonington EDC who is happy to help any potential investor or entrepreneur find suitable space and advocate on their behalf for any approvals that might be required.