South Broad Street sidewalk improvements – public information session
Westerly Sun photo by Harold Hanka
Residents are invited to join a virtual meeting, featuring updates on the South Broad Street sidewalk improvements on February 11, 2021 at 6:00 p.m.
Thanks to efforts from Stonington Director of Economic and Community Development, Town Planner and B&L Companies, the plans for construction of new sidewalks along South Broad Street is 90% complete and ready to be shared with the public.
Since receiving the plans, all 28 property owners that live along the route were contacted so they could have the opportunity to first view the plans and ask questions. A presentation will now be made to all interested residents, with time for questions and discussion.
“The $600,000 grant from the State of CT has made this project possible and the grant would not have been possible with out the years of sustained efforts from both local and state officials, Board and Commission members, and community volunteers and advocates.”
This is an important milestone for a long awaited project. Advocates for the sidewalk project have noted that creating a continuous sidewalk from the high school to the downtown village of Pawcatuck will improve safety and create a more pedestrian-friendly community.
Following this meeting, further work will take place to complete the final 10% of the plans, which will determine the final cost for the full project. While the final costs are yet to be determined, the current estimate shows that the grant money received will not be enough to do the full stretch of infill along South Broad Street, but should be able to complete key portions. Additional meetings will also need to take place with all property owners, and new funding has been requested as part of the upcoming budget process.
The $600,000 grant from the State of CT has made this project possible and the grant would not have been possible with out the years of sustained efforts from both local and state officials, Board and Commission members, and community volunteers and advocates. The Town wishes to again acknowledge and thank all of those who made this moment possible.
Residents are highly encouraged to remain engaged in the project, and also participate in the upcoming budget meetings, starting at the end of February and going through early April.
The link to attend can be found here:
For additional information:
Keith A. Brynes, AICP
Town Planner
Susan C. Cullen, AICP
Director of Economic and Community Development